Media Handler

MediaHandler represents a common interface for SIP.js to interact with media streams. The default MediaHandler included with SIP.js interacts with WebRTC to provide voice, video, and data streams.


A WebRTC Media Handler will be automatically constructed by SIP.js.

Instance Variables

There are no public instance attributes for the MediaHandler.

Application Methods



Type Description
Array of MediaStream An array containing all of the local MediaStreams.



Type Description
Array of MediaStream An array containing all of the remote MediaStreams.


Renders the media to the application.


Name Type Description
renderHint Object Optional object that contains local and remote properties from the application to the MediaStreamManager (see below). If no renderHint is provided the render function will look at the MediaHandler’s mediaHint.render property. If the mediaHint.render property does not exist the render function will not execute.
renderHint.local Object Optional object that contains local media properties from the application to the MediaHandler (see below). If not provided no local media will be rendered.
renderHint.local.audio Object Optional page element where the local audio stream should be rendered to. If not provided no local audio stream will be rendered.
renderHint.local.video Object Optional page element where the local video stream should be rendered to. If not provided no local video stream will be rendered. If both the audio and video elements are provided, the video element will be muted to prevent audio from playing twice.
renderHint.remote Object Optional object that contains remote media properties from the application to the MediaHandler (see below). If not provided no remote media will be rendered.
renderHint.remote.audio Object Optional page element where the remote audio stream should be rendered to. If not provided no remote audio stream will be rendered.
renderHint.remote.video Object Optional page element where the remote video stream should be rendered to. If not provided no remote video stream will be rendered. If both the audio and video elements are provided, the video element will be muted to prevent audio from playing twice.



Fired when getUserMedia() has been called and the application is waiting for a response.

on('userMediaRequest', function (constraints) {})

Name Type Description
constraints Object The constraints that were used with getUserMedia().


Fired when getUserMedia() returned local media.

on('userMedia', function (stream) {})

Name Type Description
stream MediaStream The local media stream that was returned from getUserMedia().


Fired when getUserMedia() has returned unsuccessfully from getting user media. Typically this might mean that the user has denied access to local media.

on('userMediaFailed', function (error) {})

Name Type Description
error String The message returned from the getUserMedia failure.


Fired when the WebRTC layer has started gathering ICE candidates.

on('iceGathering', function () {})


Fired when the WebRTC layer has completed ICE negotiation

on('iceComplete', function () {})


Fired when the WebRTC layer fails to negotiate ICE.

on('iceFailed', function () {})


Fired when the browser completes the WebRTC getDescription function.

on('getDescription', function (sdpWrapper) {})

Name Type Description
sdpWrapper Object The sdpWrapper used by getDescription.
sdpWrapper.type String Can be either ‘offer’ or ‘answer’ depending on which type of SDP was gotten from the browser.
sdpWrapper.sdp String The SDP that was gotten from the browser.


Fired when the browser completes the WebRTC setDescription function.

on('setDescription', function (sdpWrapper) {})

Name Type Description
sdpWrapper Object The sdpWrapper used by setDescription.
sdpWrapper.type String Can be either ‘offer’ or ‘answer’ depending on which type of SDP was received.
sdpWrapper.sdp String The SDP that was received.


Fired when a WebRTC data channel is setup.

on('dataChannel', function (dataChannel) {})

Name Type Description
dataChannel DataChannel The WebRTC data channel setup between the peers.


Fired when a new stream is added to the PeerConnection.

on('addStream', function (stream) {})

Name Type Description
stream Object The stream that was added to the PeerConnection.