A user agent (or UA) is associated with a SIP user address and acts on behalf of that user to send and receive SIP requests. A user agent can register to receive incoming requests, as well as create and send outbound messages. The user agent also maintains the WebSocket over which its signaling travels.


new SIP.UA([configuration])

A new user agent is created via the SIP.UA constructor. There are no mandatory parameters for creating a new user agent, although most applications will define at least uri and ws_servers. Check the full list for optional UA Configuration Parameters. If no parameters are passed then an anonymous user agent is created. If only a string is passed, then just the uri is set to that string.


// Create a user agent named bob, connect, and register to receive invitations.
var bob = new SIP.UA({
  uri: 'bob@example.com',
  ws_servers: ['wss://sip-ws.example.com'],
  register: true

Instance Methods


Connect to the configured WebSocket server, and restore the previous state if previously stopped. The first time start() is called, the UA will also attempt to register if the register parameter in the UA’s configuration is set to true.


Saves the current registration state and disconnects from the WebSocket server after gracefully unregistering and terminating any active sessions.


Register the UA to receive incoming requests. Upon successful registration, the UA will emit a registered event.


Name Type Description
options Object Optional Object with extra parameters (see below)
options.extraHeaders Array of Strings Optional Array of Strings with extra SIP headers for each REGISTER request


Type Description
SIP.UA This user agent


var options = {
  'extraHeaders': [ 'X-Foo: foo', 'X-Bar: bar' ]



Unregisters the UA.


Name Type Description
options Object Optional Object with extra parameters (see below).
options.all Boolean Optional Boolean for unregistering all bindings of the same SIP user. Default value is false
options.extraHeaders Array of Strings Optional Array of Strings with extra SIP headers for each REGISTER request


Type Description
SIP.UA This user agent


var options = {
  'all': true,
  'extraHeaders': [ 'X-Foo: foo', 'X-Bar: bar' ]




Type Description
Boolean true if the UA is registered, false otherwise



Type Description
Boolean true if the WebSocket connection is established, false otherwise

message(target, body[, options])

Sends an instant message making use of SIP MESSAGE request.


Name Type Description
target String|SIP.URI Destination of the message. String representing a destination username or a complete SIP URI, or a SIP.URI instance
body String Message content. String representing the body of the message
options Object Optional Object with extra parameters (see below)
options.contentType String Optional String representing the content-type of the body. Default is text/plain
options.extraHeaders Array of Strings Optional Array of Strings with extra SIP headers for the MESSAGE request


The return value of this method implements multiple interfaces.

Types Description
SIP.Message, SIP.ClientContext The newly created MESSAGE. The new Message object implements the shared ClientContext interface for outbound requests


var message = myUA.message('bob@example.com', 'Hello, Bob!');
console.log(message.body); // 'Hello, Bob!'

subscribe(target, event[, options])

Creates a SIP.Subscription to a certain event of another user.


Name Type Description
target String|SIP.URI Destination of the subscription. String representing a destination username or a complete SIP URI, or a SIP.URI instance
event String Message content. String representing the name of the event-package to be subscribed to
options Object Optional Object with extra parameters (see below)
options.expires Number Optional Number representing the desired duration of the subscription. Default (and minimum) is 3600 (1 hour)
options.extraHeaders Array of Strings Optional Array of Strings with extra SIP headers for the SUBSCRIBE request


The return value of this method implements multiple interfaces.

Types Description
SIP.Subscription, SIP.ClientContext The newly created Subscription. The new Subscription object implements the shared ClientContext interface for outbound requests


var subscription = myUA.subscribe('bob@example.com', 'presence');

invite(target[, options])

Invite the target to start a multimedia session.


Name Type Description
target String|SIP.URI Destination of the call. String representing a destination, username, a complete SIP URI, or a SIP.URI instance
options Object Optional Object with extra parameters (see below)
options.mediaConstraints Object Object with two valid fields (audio and video) indicating whether the session is intended to use audio and/or video and the constraints to be used. If media constraints are not provided, {audio: true, video: true} will be used
options.mediaStream MediaStream MediaStream to transmit to the other end
options.RTCConstraints Object Object representing RTCPeerconnection constraints
options.extraHeaders Array of Strings Optional Array of Strings with extra SIP headers for the INVITE request
options.anonymous Boolean Boolean field indicating whether the call should be done anonymously. Default value is false
options.rel100 SIP.C.supported.REQUIRED, SIP.C.supported.SUPPORTED, SIP.C.supported.UNSUPPORTED Optioanlly declare support or requirement of reliable provisional responses (100rel), as defined in RFC3262. Default is Unsupported.
options.inviteWithoutSdp Boolean If true, send the INVITE with no SDP offer. In this case, the SDP offer is to be generated by the remote endpoint, and the SDP answer will be sent in an ACK or PRACK. Default is false (send with SDP).


The return value of this method implements multiple interfaces.

Types Description
SIP.Session, SIP.ClientContext The session the target is invited to. The new Session object implements the shared ClientContext interface for outbound requests. The Session is in a provisional or early state until accepted by the remote target. Please refer to the Session documentation for more information.

request(method, target[, options])

Send a SIP message.


Name Type Description
method String The SIP request method to send, e.g. 'INVITE' or 'OPTIONS'
target String|SIP.URI Destination address. String representing a destination username or complete SIP URI, or a SIP.URI instance
body String Message content. String representing the body of the message
options Object Optional Object with extra parameters (see below)
options.body String Optional String to be included as the body of the request
options.extraHeaders Array of Strings Optional Array of Strings with extra SIP headers for the request


Type Description
SIP.ClientContext The context surrounding the new outbound request


User agent objects extend the SIP.EventEmitter interface. Each event emitted by the UA passes specific relevant arguments to its callbacks.


Fired when the WebSocket connection is established.

on('connected', function () {})

There are no documented arguments for this event.


Fired when the WebSocket connection attempt (or automatic re-attempt) fails.

on('disconnected', function () {})

There are no documented arguments for this event.


Fired for a successful registration.

on('registered', function () {})

There are no documented arguments for this event.


Fired for an unregistration. This event is fired in the following scenarios:

on('unregistered', function (cause) {})

Name Type Description
cause   null for positive response to un-REGISTER SIP request. If a reregistration fails, this is one value of Failure and End Causes


Fired for a registration failure.

on('registrationFailed', function (cause) {})

Name Type Description
cause   One value of Failure and End Causes


Fired when an incoming INVITE request is received.

on('invite', function (session) {})

The argument passed to this event implements multiple interfaces.

Name Types Description
session SIP.Session, SIP.ServerContext The inbound session the user agent was invited to. This argument also implements the shared SIP.ServerContext behavior for inbound requests


Fired when an incoming MESSAGE request is received.

on('message', function (message) {})

The argument passed to this event implements multiple interfaces.

Name Types Description
message SIP.Message, SIP.ServerContext The inbound message received. This argument also implements the shared SIP.ServerContext behavior for inbound requests


// Create a user agent named bob, connect, and register to receive invitations.
var bob = new SIP.UA({
  uri: 'bob@example.com',
  ws_servers: ['wss://sip-ws.example.com'],
  register: true
bob.on('message', onMessage);

function onMessage(message) {